
7 Steps for Talking with your Spouse About Collaborative Divorce

2016-11-16T18:19:03-05:00March 23rd, 2015|Collaborative Divorce, Featured|

We know it can be difficult to talk to a spouse about divorce in general, but add in the task of trying to interest them in learning about collaborative divorce, and it probably feels like climbing Mt. Everest. So we put together the following steps and hope they can be helpful. Admit you are scared about what the [...]

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Amicable Divorce

2016-11-16T16:06:06-05:00March 2nd, 2015|Collaborative Divorce, Featured|

I recently heard someone use the term "amicable divorce" when they described collaborative divorce. I've never used that term to describe collaborative divorce, and it got me wondering why. It seems like "amicable divorce" is maybe a quick and easy way to explain what I do. "I help people have an amicable divorce." But that's [...]

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Protecting Yourself—AND Your Kids—During Divorce

2016-11-16T16:06:06-05:00January 12th, 2015|Collaborative Divorce, Featured|

We had a call the other day from someone facing divorce. He wanted to know more about the collaborative divorce process. He said he was intrigued by the possibility of a collaborative divorce, but he also wanted to be protected in the divorce. He said he was thinking he might need to call the law firm that [...]

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Can Counseling Hurt You During a Divorce?

2016-11-16T18:19:03-05:00November 25th, 2014|Collaborative Divorce, Featured|

Can counseling hurt you during a divorce? The answer is a resounding yes, if the divorce goes through the traditional process of court litigation. The answer is a resounding no, if the alternative—collaborative divorce—is chosen. We see a lot of people who are in tremendous emotional distress. They are wondering if their marriage is headed [...]

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Living Arrangements for Separated Couples Can Have Legal Ramifications: Tread Cautiously

2016-11-16T18:19:03-05:00November 11th, 2014|Collaborative Divorce, Divorce in North Carolina, Featured|

In North Carolina, you can't get divorced until you've been physically separated for at least a year. During the separation period there's a need for two homes while you're still married. If you rent an apartment as the second home, then it can be relatively simple. But if you want to buy a second home [...]

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To Sell or Not to Sell the Marital Home In Divorce

2016-11-16T18:19:03-05:00November 4th, 2014|Collaborative Divorce, Featured|

There's no right answer when it comes to whether to sell the house because of divorce. Some say you don’t want to be "stuck" with the home, because it means you'll get fewer of the other marital assets, and these assets may be more liquid, may have fewer costs associated with them, and may appreciate [...]

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