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So far Springfield has created 71 blog entries.

5 Common Misconceptions About Collaborative Divorce (And the Truth Behind Them)

2025-01-01T14:01:32-05:00January 1st, 2025|Collaborative Divorce|

Divorce is a significant life transition, and for many, the term “divorce” conjures up images of bitter court battles, soaring legal costs, and emotional turmoil. However, collaborative divorce offers an alternative approach that focuses on cooperation, transparency, and mutual respect. Despite its many advantages, there are still several misconceptions about collaborative divorce that deter individuals [...]

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A Better Divorce Option To Protect Special Needs Children

2022-11-09T15:32:59-05:00November 9th, 2022|Collaborative Divorce|

Going through the divorce process can be an arduous journey for spouses and children. Under the best of conditions, reaching an agreement and figuring out how to share rights, responsibilities, and parenting time is not easy. Spouses must decide how they're going to handle matters of physical custody, legal custody, financial arrangements, and parenting [...]

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The True Costs of Divorce – It’s Not Just About Money

2022-09-13T14:17:55-04:00September 13th, 2022|Collaborative Divorce|

Divorce is often thought of in terms of its legal and financial costs. And it's true, divorce can be costly. However, the emotional costs of a contentious divorce can be equally, if not more, devastating. Divorce can also take a toll on one's self-esteem and sense of self-worth. The end of a marriage can lead [...]

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When is Collaborative Divorce The Best Choice?

2022-09-13T14:16:00-04:00July 21st, 2022|Collaborative Divorce|

If you are considering collaborative divorce, you may be wondering how to know whether it is the best solution for you. We believe that collaborative law is the best choice for most couples, but we also acknowledge that it isn’t right for everyone. If collaborative divorce is right for you and your spouse, it can put [...]

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The Reason Divorce Often Becomes War And How To Avoid It

2022-07-18T16:25:57-04:00July 11th, 2022|Collaborative Divorce|

Let's face it. Divorce has a reputation somewhat synonymous with  "war." Movies have been made about it. There always seems to be another high-profile knock down drag out divorce in the news. There almost seems to be a cultural expectation that divorce will become war. But does it have to be this way? To [...]

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Co-Parenting After Divorce: How to Make it Work for Your Family

2022-03-18T09:43:35-04:00March 18th, 2022|Parenting and Co-Parenting|

Co-parenting after divorce can be a challenge, but it is definitely doable if both parents are willing to put in the effort. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for making co-parenting work for your family. It is important to remember that every family is different, so you will need to find [...]

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Collaborative Law: What You Really Need To Know

2019-08-26T08:56:01-04:00July 17th, 2019|Collaborative Divorce|

Collaborative law is a modern way of resolving disputed issues. It is an alternative method of dispute resolution that takes the matter out of the context of traditional litigation (position-based bargaining) and incorporates an interest-based negotiation model. The goal of the collaborative law process is to reach a resolution of all disputed issues that is [...]

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Amy Poehler Apologies

2019-07-17T12:29:28-04:00May 31st, 2019|Articles, Springfield Collaborative Divorce News|

I was reading a memoir by Amy Poehler and was moved by her chapter about apologies. The entire chapter just an apology written ‘from the head’ followed by one written ‘from the heart’. I found the contrast very powerful and wanted to share them here. To me, it exemplifies how the words you say, and [...]

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Collaborative Divorce Vs. Mediation: What’s The Difference?

2022-05-17T13:50:06-04:00March 14th, 2019|Collaborative Divorce, Springfield Collaborative Divorce News|

As more people learn about the benefits of collaborative divorce, one of the most common questions that comes up is "How is collaborative divorce different from divorce mediation?" What is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process (ADR) where a neutral third-party (Mediator) helps the spouses in reaching a resolution of all [...]

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Common Worries Children Have About Divorce And How Collaborative Divorce Can Help

2019-03-05T11:56:29-05:00January 30th, 2019|Articles, Collaborative Divorce, Divorce in North Carolina, Parenting and Co-Parenting|

Divorce is a time often fraught with worry and uncertainty. Many people experience an onslaught of conflicting and overwhelming emotions. Those things are true for adults who have at least some understanding and often somewhat reasonable expectations about what to expect. For children who are facing the process of divorce, it can be a [...]

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What Some Divorce Lawyers Don’t Want You To Know

2019-03-05T11:56:37-05:00January 9th, 2019|Articles, Collaborative Divorce, Divorce in North Carolina|

If you are considering divorce in North Carolina, there is something you should know. It's a secret that some divorce lawyers might not want you to know. The secret is that only about 10% of divorce cases ever actually go to trial. The other 90% are settled. Unfortunately, these settlements often occur only after the [...]

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Collaborative Family Law Brings Out The Best In People Amidst A Difficult Situation

2019-06-04T15:21:21-04:00November 7th, 2018|Articles, Collaborative Divorce|

There is no way around it. Divorce is hard. But let’s forget about the actual legal process of getting a divorce for a moment, and simply consider the circumstances leading up to it. Even when both parties have agreed to end the marriage, it can be a dreadfully painful experience. Many people have said that [...]

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The Collaborative Divorce Attorney’s Role In Your Divorce

2019-03-05T11:57:01-05:00October 4th, 2018|Collaborative Divorce|

While collaborative law is a process where the parties agree to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution of the disputed issues without going to court, each party is still represented by their own collaborative divorce attorney. Like divorce lawyers in traditional litigated matters, your family attorney will act as an advocate for your interests. They [...]

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Creating a Safe Space When Splitting a Business in Divorce

2018-06-25T13:21:38-04:00June 25th, 2018|Spouses in Business Together, Springfield Collaborative Divorce News|

Even small businesses are complex entities, and when they are intertwined with a marriage, a split may dredge up layers of history and conflict. In any partnership, it is likely that there have been moments of tension, struggles for power, and disagreements. It is important to diffuse that pent-up tension and try to start a [...]

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The Importance of a Written Collaborative Agreement When Splitting a Business in Divorce

2019-06-04T15:00:47-04:00March 5th, 2018|Springfield Collaborative Divorce News|

Splitting a business in divorce (or splitting a business under any circumstances) can be a messy business—but it doesn’t have to be. When spouses are guided through the collaborative divorce process by their attorneys mindfully, the end result can be incredibly transformative. But that is only if the process for separating and figuring out [...]

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Collaborative Divorce is Alec Baldwin’s Recommendation

2017-08-14T18:09:07-04:00August 14th, 2017|Springfield Collaborative Divorce News|

This is what Alec Baldwin would tell a friend whose marriage may be breaking up: “I try to tell people that, if they can, I say find a way that you can get into therapy and get into the collaborative divorce, you know, the dignified divorce because you are going to so regret if you [...]

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Divorce when you own a business together

2017-06-05T11:42:37-04:00June 5th, 2017|Spouses in Business Together, Springfield Collaborative Divorce News|

Forbes Magazine recently published an article about a couple who went through a bitter divorce 25 years ago that split the family and split the family business. The wife got the company trade name and two stores. Husband got two stores and became his former wife’s fiercest competitor. They didn’t speak to each other. The [...]

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Steps to Starting a Business

2017-06-09T10:22:35-04:00June 5th, 2017|Spouses in Business Together|

If you are thinking about starting a business, whether with a family member, partner, by yourself or with multiple friends or family, there are some important things to do and think about as you get the business up and running. Here are some of those things, and remember, speak with an attorney to get specific [...]

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