The True Costs of Divorce – It’s Not Just About Money

The True Costs of Divorce – It’s Not Just About Money

Divorce is often thought of in terms of its legal and financial costs. And it’s true, divorce can be costly. However, the emotional costs of a contentious divorce can be equally, if not more, devastating. Divorce can also take a toll on one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. The end of a marriage can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and grief. And these feelings are not only experienced by the divorcing spouses. The children and extended family will be affected as well.

In this article, we will discuss some of the ways divorce can have a negative impact on the family, and how collaborative divorce can minimize the emotional stress of divorce.

Impact of Divorce on Children

Although the impact of divorce on children has been studied since the early twentieth century, it is only in recent years that scholars have begun to focus on the long-term effects of divorce on children. The research to date has shown that children of divorced parents are more likely to experience a variety of problems, including poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and mental health issues. In addition, children of divorced parents are more likely to experience relationship difficulties in their own lives and are more likely to divorce themselves. While the impact of divorce on children is often negative, it is important to remember that each child reacts differently to divorce and that there are many factors that can contribute to a child’s coping ability. With the right support, children can overcome the challenges associated with divorce and go on to lead happy and successful lives.

Collaborative divorce is a process whereby couples who are divorcing work together with their attorneys to reach a settlement. The goal of collaborative divorce is to keep the family out of court and to resolve the conflict in a way that is respectful and amicable. This type of divorce is beneficial for children because it allows them to see their parents working together to reach an agreement. It also helps to reduce the stress and anxiety that can be associated with the divorce process. In addition, collaborative divorce can help to preserve relationships between parents and children. By avoiding the adversarial nature of the traditional court process, collaborative divorce helps to maintain communication and civility between parents which is essential for co-parenting after divorce.

Impact of Divorce on Extended Family

Extended family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, can often be caught in the middle when parents divorce. While they may not be directly involved in the divorce proceedings, they can still be affected by the tension and conflict that often accompany this legal process. In some cases, extended family members may be forced to choose sides between the divorcing parents. This can result in feelings of guilt, betrayal, and even estrangement. Additionally, divorce can have a financial impact on extended family members. For example, if grandparents are helping to support their grandchildren financially, they may find themselves struggling to keep up with these expenses if the divorce causes a decrease in their income. Ultimately, divorce can have a profound and sometimes negative impact on extended family members.

Collaborative divorce can help to protect these relationships. By its very nature, collaborative divorce is collaborative and cooperative, not adversarial. As a result, couples are more likely to be able to work together to find solutions that work for everyone involved, including extended family members. In addition, collaborative divorce typically involves less conflict than traditional litigation, which can help to reduce stress for everyone involved. For these reasons, collaborative divorce can be an excellent option for couples with children who want to protect their extended family relationships.

For many people, divorce is a process of learning to live with loss and pain. It can be difficult to accept that a relationship that once brought so much happiness has come to an end. However, with time and support from family and friends, it is possible to heal the emotional wounds divorce can leave behind.

Contact us to learn how collaborative divorce can minimize the damage. Call us at 919-324-3503.

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